Our Classes


A typical Ballet class will include barre work, centre work, across the floor combinations and then a cooldown or ‘Reverence’. We will also work on ballet terminology so each student gets a well-rounded teaching to fully understand the Ballet technique. Dynamic offers beginner through advance ballet for kids ages 6 to adults.

Contemporary, Modern + Lyrical 

These styles aid in self-awareness and really allows a dancer to get in tune with their body. The emphasis in these classes is on the pelvis and spine as well as finding each dancers own artistry. With lyrical relating more to the airiness of ballet, contemporary and modern are more grounded. A typical class in these styles will consist of a warm-up, some across the floor combinations to really settle into ones body and then a final combination/dance. Dynamic offers beginner through advance contemporary, modern and lyrical for kids ages 6 to adults.


Dancers will find their flair and coolness in this technique which is a great way to learn about ones individuality and artistry. A typical class includes a fluid warm-up with both stretches and strengthening, center exercises for turns and balances, across the floor to work on leaps and steps, and a combination that ties the whole class together. Dancers will also be taught jazz terminology. Dynamic offers beginner through advance jazz for kids ages 6 to adults.

Dance Exercise + Yoga

There are many health and mental benefits of yoga that include decreased stress, decreased inflammation, immunity boost, improved respiration energy and vitality, as well as increasing ones flexibility, an becoming one with your body, plus many more.

Dance exercise is a party every class! You will learn a series of movements in a follow the instructor style of dance class that you will string together as choreography to improve your endurance and strength. We will start with a warm-up to learning the movements and then it is time to party, following this will be a cool down. It is so fun you won’t even know you are doing cardio! 

Book a Class

Check out our enrollment process by clicking the button below! Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have by calling us at (614) 726-9060 or send us a message on our contact page.